"Whether you were 'green' before the color was fashionable, or are ready to find what "shade" will work best for you, here is information to help us all do just "one green thing."
"Did you stop to purchase a greeting card, and they gave you a bag? Hummm . . . couldn't you have just carried the card? How about when you bought a loaf of bread and a bag of chips? Couldn't you have carried that to your car and into your house without a bag?"
"It's difficult. I know because I'm trying to change my own habits, too! Most clerks look at you strangely when you say "no bag please." Or worse before you can ask them not to, they have already put it in a bag."
"But imagine the ramifications! If you stop using just one bag per week, it's 52 bags a year. If it's the same in your household as ours, the darn things are jammed inside each other until there's a big poofy bag full of them, and maybe some of us have even more than one of the big bags full of them."
"The stores charge you for them somewhere. If we stop using them, we could be saving money! I remind you that when you throw it away, you're paying for it again because you're paying your waste haulder to take it to a landfill. So, please, join me, stop the plastic bag abuse by saying, "no bag, please."
"(Don't even get me started on how few items some stores actually put in the bags!)"
"Questions? For more information contact: JanHerbert@RockfordParkdistrict.org "
And I thank you for sharing ... if two people tell two people and those four people tell ......well you know what I mean.
Jan Herbert
Special Projects Coordinator
Rockford Park District
Cell 815-494-8810
Let me know what you think of the dog parks!
You have a very interesting blog. I'll have to check it out now and again.
Check out the Sinnissippi Rec path if you get a few free moments! And the Riverview Ice house!
The rec path is great for biking, walking the dog, et cetera
Robert Rode
Coordinator, Canine Corners Dog Parks
Rockford Park District
(815) 494-5546 cell
(815) 969-4068 office
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