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Friday, October 5, 2007

Womens Inspiration Imagine Yourself As . . .

I came across this cool website, "I-Woman," written by Anna Alexander. The site happens to be from the United Kingdom and I wanted to share it with you. Following is a random selection from that site, about work, and inspiration.
"Average Days ...... Could That Be Most Days."
"Just think if you harnessed that average feeling and worked on it ...... you'd feel better - your mind would be stimulated and time would pass faster. So how can you set this up? Here are some suggestions or even options - let us know if any of these strike a chord with you: Look at the hours you work - would a contract be possible to build in some flexibility? How much do you earn now and how much could you earn? How do you get that increase? How much do you need or want to earn? How do you bridge the gap? Do you want to achieve a higher more qualified position...if so, why? ......to earn more, more status or just the challenge and a greater sense of achievement? Maybe you'd like to work less? If so, what is it that's really, REALLY, stopping you? Do you want to start your own business. If so, what would it take to start? What's stopping you? If none of the above really apply to you let's have some fun - games to play at work without too much impact just something to lighten the moment - here goes: Graded according to how average your day is:"
"Grade 1 - Could include a fantasy setting - imagine yourself in character. I know this sounds nuts, but try it - Shakespearean character/Queen Elizabeth I/Boadicea - with a flat tire on her chariot/Marie Antoinette bad day/Marg Simpson - admin dilemma or even a desperate housewife - yes doing your job in your office."
"Grade 2 - Look at what you are doing - routine task - if you were a world leader how would you ....... " (To continue this article, go to the I-Woman Blog. )
So, check Anna Alexander's work; I love it and send her much kudos.
~ Patricia

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